The Arty Crafty Bunch

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Children’s Activity Events

All parents/ Carers must complete a Booking Form for Children before they can be accepted at The Arty Crafty Bunch. This must by completed online at

The Arty Crafty Bunch must be notified of any changes in circumstance in between the booking being made and the event in writing by the parent/ carer.

Children requiring medical assistance including having medicine administered must have a ‘Permission to Administer Medicine’ form completed and signed by a parent/ carer on arrival at The Arty Crafty Bunch. Medicines will not be administered without signed consent. Only medicine prescribed, in original packaging with the pharmacy label including the child’s name can be administered.

The Arty Crafty Bunch accepts no responsibility for injury caused from pre existing medical conditions that were not notified at time of booking.

If a child brings a mobile device to an activity, it will be stored in line with our Mobile Phone and Wearable Technology Policy. Further details can be found in the policy. They will not be allowed to use it during the event, unless there is a specific reason previously agreed with a parent/ carer and staff member.

Photographs may not be taken during activities, except by staff using the staff camera.

Maximum numbers for each activity are set by The Arty Crafty Bunch according to the risk assessment and type of event. These are non negotiable.

All activities must be paid for at the time of booking.

No booking should be considered confirmed until an email confirmation has been received by The Arty Crafty Bunch.

If the activity is forced to close due to unforeseen circumstances, all fees will be credited.

Each child must be delivered to the club by a responsible adult, who must check emergency contact and medical notes on arrival. They will be required to sign and confirm who will be collecting the child at the end of the activity.

It is the responsibility of parents/ carers to collect children promptly at the end of the activity. Failure to do so will incur a financial penalty (unless there is an exceptional reason for lateness). It will also constitute a breach of the terms and conditions, entitling The Arty Crafty Bunch to exclude the child from subsequent activities. has not been collected after 30 minutes and and a parent/ carer cannot be contacted, a call may be placed to Social Care in accordance with the ‘Uncollected Child Policy’.

There is a penalty charge of £5 if a child is collected 15 minutes late. A subsequent £5 will be charged for every 5 minutes (or part thereof) afterwards. The penalty charge must be paid before any future bookings can be made.

Where the penalty is outstanding and further activities have been book and prepaid, The Arty Crafty Bunch reserves the right to exclude the child from the activity until the penalty is paid, without issuing a refund.

The responsibility for payment of activities, charges and penalties lies with the person making the booking.

Any child who has suffered from diarrhoea, sickness, high temperature/ fever, conjunctivitis or any contagious disease must not attend an activity event for a period of 48 hours after the condition has ceased.

Should any child suffer from the above whilst at an activity event, the staff will contact the parent/ carer and ask for them to be collected as soon as possible.

The Arty Crafty Bunch reserves the right to exclude a child as a result of persistent poor behaviour (such as, but not limited to bullying, verbal abuse, physical violence, fighting, racial incidents, rudeness, disobedience, damage to property) or non persistent serious behaviour (eg. behaviour which endanger children or staff) on the part of the child or the parent/ carer.

Refunds will not be made in the event of an exclusion due to behaviour or sickness as set out above.

The Arty Crafty Bunch reserves the right to exclude a child or family from attending an activity or refuse to accept a booking at its sole discretion.

The Arty Crafty Bunch reserves the right to cancel an activity on the grounds of staff shortage, unavailable facilities, or for any unforeseen circumstances that necessitate cancellation. As much notice will be given as possible.

No failure or delay by The Arty Crafty Bunch in exercising any of its rights or remedies shall prejudice or affect its ability to do so unless it has provided a specific waiver or release in writing.

These terms and conditions are governed by English law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

The Arty Crafty Bunch shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss suffered by parents/ carers as a result of an activity being cancelled under the terms of the agreement, including, but not limited to loss of profits, increased costs or expenses or wasted expenditure.

The Arty Crafty Bunch accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to property brought to activity events caused by the actions of children or third parties or for accidental damage caused by activity staff.

The Arty Crafty Bunch reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.

Data Collection

The Arty Crafty Bunch collects a range of personal data at the time of booking, including medical information as appropriate, to ensure your child is safe during their time with us and to allow for payments to be processed via our payment provider STRIPE. This information is necessary to deliver our activities with due regard to health and safety, protect your child’s welfare and to process payments. We will never share your personal details with third parties; unless a safeguarding, legal or medical issue arises, in which case we reserve the right to share necessary information with relevant parties. Further information can be found in our Safeguarding Policy.

Personal data will not be stored after the event has taken place, unless there has been medicine administered or an accident has occurred. If this is the case records will be kept in accordance with health and safety protocols. The only other reason personal data would be retained if if the person booking has requested information about future events; in which can their email address will be retained and added to a mailing list. Persons can request that this is removed at any time.

The Arty Crafty Bunch does not store any payment information; this is processed directly by STRIPE.

©2024 The Arty Crafty Bunch